Dog Days are Over

So, new blog… fresh start. I’ve never used WordPress before, so this is new to me. I’ve been navigating the site for a little bit now, & I’m trying to get used to it.

I’d love to be able to say that this blog has a specific purpose or point, such as blogging about PR-related things or a specific topic, etc… but it really isn’t like that. Some posts probably will be something along those lines, or WVU-related posts, but I can’t promise an overall theme.

I keep going back & forth in my head about what I want to do with my life after I graduate on May 15. I’ve finally come to the point that I’m really interested in applying for the Integrated Marketing Communications master’s program at the Perley Isaac Reed School of Journalism, and I’ve spent my last week compiling the information that I need for my application, as well as recommendation letters (just got approval from two letter-writers today, and I am so excited!). I was originally thinking of applying to the SOJ MSJ program, but I wasn’t as interested as I am in the IMC program… the only catch is, the IMC program isn’t available for tuition waivers anymore, so I’ve heard. Therefore, I’m really not sure what I’m going to do about tuition… we shall see. I hate being an out-of-state student. The good news is, you can bypass having to take the GRE if you have over a 3.3 cumulative grade point average… which I qualify for. Score.

I’ve kind of reached a turning point in my life where I’ve really put in perspective what is important to me and what isn’t. For example, this ISN’T a major part of it, but something I realized was that I had been setting my Twitter account as “private” in the past, so I could tweet about anything I wanted to… even if it involved something that bothered me about a so-called “friend,” or to vent about stupid things or people — whatever it was. I look back at some really lame, petty tweets and realize that this is not the way I want to use social media. I’ve matured enough to know what I want to make public on my Twitter, and if I don’t want people to see it, I’m not going to say it. Simple as that. Social media is really helpful in my field of study, and I’ve made an oath to myself to utilize it in the most professional way that I can (but still have a little positive fun, I’m in my early 20’s, so I owe that to myself.)

I’ve also prioritized my life lately in ways that I can look back on the day when I’m getting ready to go to bed, and be proud of what I’ve accomplished for the day. With all of the clubs, activities, etc. that I’m in, I used to just try to get as much stuff done as possible without leaving myself any “me” time, or even leaving that much time for my boyfriend, Taylor. I’ve turned this all around for the better; I’m not leaving things for the last minute, I’m not trying to fit a bunch of simple tasks into one day.

I could ramble on about this, but basically, I want to be sane for my last few months of undergrad, and the only way I’m going to do this (with the added pressure of “what-the-heck-am-I-doing-in-3-months” on my back) is to cut out the negative in my life and really focus on the important things. I’ve cut out negative people, I’ve deleted over 500 friends on Facebook that I don’t talk to anymore, updated my cover letter/resume/LinkedIn, got business cards made for free, applied for jobs as a grad-school backup, and I am currently working on this IMC application (well, not right now, obviously.) My relationships with my family, friends, & Taylor are taking a turn for the better, and it just makes everything better.

Not to mention, this awesome new iPhone 4 for Verizon has really gotten my stuff organized, too… there’s an app for EVERYTHING. Ridiculous! I love it.

The title of my blog is a dedication to the song that I woke up with in my head today, and it really has so much meaning to me in my life right now. Enjoy it for yourself.

3 responses

  1. Hello and welcome, I wouldnt worry that your blog is not about anything in particular, mines the same, I just spout whatever comes to mind, Good luck with your new Blog and Enjoy 🙂

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